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Ambrose Property Group–known as “Ambrose” around here–is another one of our wonderful long-time clients. Typically Ambrose will call us for photography of their finished architecture projects, and we’re always happy to work with them. This time, however, they were looking for something a little different: collaboration imagery. Ambrose even wanted the shoot to take place on a real, working construction site!

Naturally, we obliged. Because of this request, site safety was a big factor in our planning process. Everyone had to be in safety gear, both Ambrose and Studio 13 staff alike. As for the actual shoot, Ambrose wanted a mixture of action shots and collaboration images with more posed group shots. Some of the requested shots almost looked like formal portraits–but taken on a construction site, which was a unique challenge!

Ambrose was looking to portray a diversity of age, gender, and race in their images that reflected the diversity of their company. The client particularly wanted to have some images with women in the “power positions,” and as a certified woman-owned and woman-run business, we at Studio 13 love to support these women in the construction field! We got some shots inside and outside the building that was being built.

All of these images will be used in Ambrose’s new website (check it out here!) to further benefit the branding and culture of the firm. It was a cool experience for everyone!
