Events are one of our favorite types of photography to capture, especially when we have the chance not only get shots of the celebration, but also shoot other needs for the client at the same time. Our event experiences are oftentimes generated by current clients, or friends and partners of clients, so we get a chance to work with people we know, but in a setting like never before! Shooting exciting parties, fancy galas, awards ceremonies and more provides us with a unqiue opportunity to connect with our clients and their teams on a different level, in a new setting, and we are always up for that!

After a wonderful referral from our dear friend Jill Rose at Luminaut, two of our associate photographers had the great honor of attending the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Indiana Chapter BOLD recognition ceremony to not only capture the event itself, but also shoot updated headshots for the honorees. Plus, we had the pleasure of shooting in the beautiful Business Furniture + Co space, another incredible business connection of ours through Accelerant. How fun!

We love the mission of the IIDA, a professional organization designed to help interiors designers constantly improve in their field, and in our opinion, the Indiana Chapter has to be one of the best!

While the mission of the organization is inspiring in itself, the leaders and mentors of IIDA created BOLD: Building Our Leaders in Design to invest specifically in the growth and future of interior designs at the start of their career. BOLD Indiana admits 20 applicants per year, welcoming designers with anywhere from two to five years of experience in the field, and focuses on training and guidance for those in the program who wish to become leaders and change-makers within the Indiana interior design world.

Our team was on site for the entire event, one photographer capturing the awards luncheon and graduation ceremony, and the other shooting group photos and individual headshots. The energy of the event was electric, with excitement and happiness exuding all afternoon. A truly great day to be a small part of. Thank you to all who invited Studio 13 to participate in this event. We can’t wait for the next one! 

Considering professional photography for your next event? Learn how to find the right photographer, what questions you need to ask and what to do with your event photos event here